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Sensory Play Essentials

1.Containers/Bins/Trays The plastic under the bed storage bins are great because they're big enough for a small child to sit in, plus,...

Crafty Parent Essentials

Making things with my hands is one of my passions, I enjoy it ten times more if I know my daughter will gain something from this. I own a...

Our Favorite Quarantine Toys

1. Chinese Magic Ink Mat This one is perfect for mess-free play! All you need is a paintbrush with water and it colors the cloth bright...

Kids at Home - 101

This situation we face is challenging for everyone. But, parents at home have to deal with all sort of different types of struggles,...

Innovation in feeding your baby

I love hearing about new companies that use technology and innovative design to create products that make life easier for parents. Yes,...

Niños en Casa - 101

La situación que estamos viviendo es difícil para todos. Pero, diré que es particularmente complicada para aquellos padres con hijos en...

Toy list for 6 - 12 Months Babies

I am a natural list maker and I've been wanting to make this blog post because a few people have asked me about what to gift their...

Crib, Toddler Bed, Regular Bed?

Getting my baby to sleep 12 straight hours is still high up in my agenda. I still haven't managed for her to sleep alone for 12 hours,...

Two for the Zoo!

My little bunny turned two. In the blink of an eye. The passage of time has become incredibly unforgiving, where did my baby go? I see...

Screens and babies: curse in disguise?

Honesty above all, right? Yes. I have been in that dark place where I've handed my baby the tablet in order to sneak a snooze here and...

Oh, Christmas Tree!

Despite the corporate take-over on Christmas (I am totally guilty of contributing to the jolly consumerism of the season), it is still,...

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